Think about the brands you love the most. What are they doing to make you feel a part of their journey?


My favorite brands inspire a sense of curiosity. They don't take themselves too seriously and speak to me as a person above a consumer. It is my joy to help companies get to this level of marketing. The medium of my work varies but the mission is to always refine a company's message while strengthening design.



It's nice to have you!

I'm Sheryl, a freelance digital marketer specializing in email design, photography, social media and creative services. This is where I showcase my work and share my creative process.


What I Offer


See My Work


I help businesses with the following:


+ Email Design & Content

+ Photography & Video Creative

+ Graphic Design


+ Ecommerce Marketing

+ Website Development

+ Social Media Advertising & Alignment



The Creative Process

Marketing is part art, part science. See strategies I employ to tackle projects and discover the resources I use in my daily work. 


What’s Inspiring Me

Inspiration has no rhyme or reason. This is a collection of what is fueling my creativity lately. There is chaos ahead! Consider yourself warned.


Sheryl’s Favorites

It's always fun to fangirl over your favorite things. Read my recommendations on my favorite podcasts, artists and websites.